Music that inspire us to be under the water, ocean ,sea you name it anything that involve being in water Spearfishing. Music that remind us how beautiful and amazing to be Under the sea. Enjoy our music playlist and stay save Freediving!!
Diving South with freezing water
Flat ocean South Bali Start Spearfishing too early during low tide, the water visibility was only 10 meter, and the water was freezing around 24 degrees. The fish are no where to be found only small maori sea perch and nice long nose emperor playing hide and seek. Frustration level getting higher , not counting […]
spearfishing with right condition.
Don’t dive under influence of substancessome people can pull it off, but the chances of accident to happen overtime can get higher. Is advise not to dive with any substances running through blood. give your body a good rest. Is not worth your life. Diving without hangover I have experience it few time with few […]
Spearfishing Equipment rental Bali Indonesia
Indonesia Spearfishing Charter is now offering complete spearfishing equipment rental. Size available in Medium, Large and Extra large. Full equipment rental: Wetsuit Socks Gloves Mask Snorkel Floatline Bouy Speargun Freedive Fin Total Cost $45 USD per day. For more information please email or
We Love to hunt for Maori Seaperch
If you asked any spearo in Indonesia, what fish is the most Favorite to hunt and eat. Majority of the answer is Maori Seaperch aka Kampuh. Great Eating, hard to hunt and fun to stalk. Curious fish, timid, and unpredictable behavior Maori Seaperch Best Size 2kg -5kg Cheeky Maori Seaperch #maoriseaperch #kampuh #spearfishing #underwater #apnea […]
Freediving Safety Video That Every Spearo in the world should watch.
After watching this video, it bring back memories of my own experience with running out of O2. Please watch this video, always dive with a buddy and not one fish is ever worth your life. Dive safe and take care. +Arvid Nicolas +Adreno Spearfishing +Indonesia spearfishing charter +SpearoBlog +Blue Tuna Spearfishing +Jabut SpeargunLombok thanks for the video guys +Back to Basics Show
A collection of Spearfishing video around Bali Island. Every part of the Bali are home to different Species of fish.We have reef Fishes such as Maori Seaperch, Redbass, Mangrove Jack, Trevallies, Groupers and Jobfish. We also have Barramundi, Milkfish and giant mullets. In the open water we have Spanish Mackerel, Mahi Mahi and occasionally Sailfish. […]
We all seen it, felt it, experienced it in one of our dive…
This is an advice to all spearo who are visiting Bali. Please listen to local people advice and never underestimate their knowledge and experience. There were few fatal accident in past, even with the most senior spearos. Here is small example of the danger around Bali. Dive save guys..
How to treat sting and venomous creature from indonesia ocean.
⭐️ You will lived and for god sake be a man about it ⭐️⭐️ Annoying and pray you dont have allergy ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This is when you scream your mommy and need medical aid. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Your @#%#!!! Go to the hospital ASAP!! […]
If you think you caught big fish, check out the current world record spearos
I listed all the world record fish that you can catch around Indonesia. You never know one day new record could be made from Indonesia. For the world record rules please click the link IUSARECORDS Paul A Smith 29.4 kg Great Barracuda Valente baena 66.2 kg cobia Peter Mcgonalge 31.8 kg Mahi-mahi aka dolphinfish Paul […]