Weather and ocean condition was perfect. Open water the current was mild and we manage to kill one Spanish mackerel. Then after several attempt in the blue water we head to reef to get some reef fish. After slow drift we found spot with 5-6 Green job fish. we try to get few and we […]
2 day East Bali with Gregory Mailis
Playing Mantas Trip planned to east bali, we left early morning with the boat transfer to our destination, checked in into our hotel and prepared our gear for the next day spearfishing since we had a late arrival. As we rigged everything up we had a chat about hunting in diffrent continents on the world […]
2 day Trip with Aussie Snipper
Day 1: We arrive to Bunutan Village, didnt waste any time and head staright to Cpatain House and had some tea and cofee and 15 min later we are on the Jukung heading to some of the reef spot. First 1 hour we were outsmart by Maori Seaperch and Bigeye Seabream aka MU. Change location […]
Harry Hawkins with Josh Harris in the reef paradise + unoffical world record midnight snapper.
On the Hunt It was an awesome start to the day, the weather was good, but the forecast was saying lots of rain and thunderstorms, but we had luck. We prayed with our captain Edi at the temple for good weather, a nice catch and a safe return. Which worked well.On the way to our […]
3 day with West Australia Hartleys Brothers
Day 1: Pick up the boys from the Boat transfer and head to our Villa to drop off our stuff. We didn’t waste any time and head out to the reef. The first spot I spotted Longnose emperor and miss the shot like a pro ( bother me the whole night , couldn’t figure the […]
Dedicated to Jukung, our main sea transporataion
A jukung or canoe is a small wooden Indonesian outrigger. It is a traditional fishing boat, and a vehicle for small groups of divers. a jukung is superb in its reaching ability and jibe-safe running.
Video of Dogtooth Tuna Season from September -November
Compilation Spearfishing and freediving Video of Hunting the famous Dogtooth tuna around Indonesia. Warning lots of blood and Doggy being killed. Enjoy the video.
November 2015 Forecast and Prediction
Hi Guys, This is November 2015 Forecast and prediction. Just reminder, the information is just to help you spearos plan better your day in the water. Please note: No matter what the ocean is unpredictable!! Dive Safe!!
Day 3: Doggy mayhem
arrive at Dogtown the condition was perfect, no swell, no wind and we have the whole spot to ourself. first few dive nobody was home. Then we start shooting some fish , Indra shot scad mackerel to attract some bigger predator. The technique work, 3 Big Doggy decide to check out Indra catch. Hubert took […]
Looking for spearfishing charter in Bali?
If you are looking for a spearfishing charter in Bali, West Lombok and West Sumbawa. Please visit Http:// Or visit facebook page Hurry and make you reservation with Indonesia Spearfishing Charter.