Local and worldwide superstition about fishing:
- First of all rules you should know if you want to go to the ocean in Indonesia you should know that wearing a green shirt or anything green on you is a very bad omen and therefore bad luck for all the people with you. Also google” Nyi Roro Kidul” she is the queen of the southern sea, its believe she attracted to men wearing green clothing.
- Bring ice inboard is considered bad luck (local believe in the North of Bali) That is why you should never buy fish from North Bali!!
- Bring a small coolbox catch big fish bring big coolbox catch small fish..
- A Woman on Board is Bad Luck! It was traditionally believed that women were not as physically or emotionally capable as men. Therefore, they had no place at sea, sorry ladies. It was also observed that when women were aboard, men were prone to distraction or other vices that may distract them from their duties. Some experiences on our fishing trips proved this point, we men are just to easy distracted by the imagination of a beautiful girl sunbathing by the shore. The last time I remember I did that mistake I caught one small fish and all I wanted was to come back to shore and enjoy the views.. Well i guess you guys know what I am talking about..
- Bananas on board
- This is one of the oldest superstitions and it started in the 16th century. Most of the ships that disappeared at sea where carrying bananas as cargo.
- Another reason that caused the bananas superstition was that boats carrying bananas as cargo needed to most fast to avoid the bananas from spoiling. The crew on board could never catch fish because of the speed of the boat.
- A bundle of bananas is a perfect hiding spot for dangerous spiders which where one of the causes of many mysterious death on board.

- Fishing on a Friday: Many fishermen tales state that various ships lost at sea disembarked on a Friday. While Friday is the worst day to begin your journey, Sunday is the best possible day to begin a voyage. This observation is due to Christ’s resurrection on a Sunday, a good omen. It has led to the adage, “Sunday sail, never fail”
- Black traveling bags are bad luck for seamen.
- Never say good luck or allow someone to say good luck to you unanswered. If someone says “good luck” to you, it is mostly considered as a bad omen. The only way this can be countered is by drawing blood. A swift punch in the nose is usually sufficient to reverse this curse.
- Pouring wine on the deck will bring good luck on a long voyage. An offering to the gods.
- Flowers are unlucky on board a ship. They could later be used to make a funeral wreath for the dead, therefore, becoming a symbol that someone could die on the voyage. Balinese fisherman always have flower on board because of their offerings before they start the journey. So i guess for your Indo boat trips make sure you get some flowers to spread over the ocean as this will tame the bad spirits of the ocean and the ocean will in return bless you with some nice big fish.
- Don’t look back once your ship has left the port as this can bring bad luck. Looking back to port implies that you are not truly ready to brave the seas and complete your voyage.
- Dolphins = good luck: Dolphins are considered a sacred friend of fishermen, they have the good fortunes of man in mind and their presence indicates that you are under their protection.
- It is unlucky to kill a gull/albatross: They host the soul of dead sailors lost at sea and are considered to be an omen of bad luck at sea, especially if killed.
- A shark following the ship is a sign of inevitable death. A shark following you while spearfishing is usually a sign of a good catch.. Make sure you don’t have to share it with the shark but get to enjoy it with your friends.
Swam off Java once in green swimming trunks – almost drowned!
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