Day 1 We start drift and collected few nice reef fish. First 2 hour we shot bluefin trevally, unicorn fish for edi and his family. Second spot it was quiet in the begining but then the fish become active. We shot seabream, red snapper and flowery cod. I lost longnose emperor due to a really […]
November 2015 Forecast and Prediction
Hi Guys, This is November 2015 Forecast and prediction. Just reminder, the information is just to help you spearos plan better your day in the water. Please note: No matter what the ocean is unpredictable!! Dive Safe!!
Tunes that reminds Us under the Sea
Music that inspire us to be under the water, ocean ,sea you name it anything that involve being in water Spearfishing. Music that remind us how beautiful and amazing to be Under the sea. Enjoy our music playlist and stay save Freediving!!
The Indospearfishing boys did it again!
Weather havent been so friendly in Bali. As soon, the sky clear up yesterday, the boy went to the Barra spot and result could not have been any better. The picture will explain in more detail…