Nothing is better then ending the year 2013 with good friends and the surroundings of an untouched wilderness East Java. We were planning to go to an island located on the southern part of Java but was force to take refuged in the protected bay due to big swell, strong wind and current of Indian Ocean. The next day we were bless with a good weather until new year eve which help us with a good catch A variety of different seafood. We cought enough fish to bring home, mud crab, squid, and lobster. I would say it was one of our best adventure trip and to be remembered.
Hi how much it cost you approximately for 4 ppl , trip. no plane tickets ?
We charter the boat for aprox. 600 usd from 29- 1 st january. With 4 crew. You will need tent , transport , food and drinks. I dont recommend to go on raining season.