It was nice to see Florent and his family return back to Bali. Florent several decade of experience spearfishing around the world. It was honor to be able to watch senior spearo dive next to you. This trip Florent was on Fire he manage to shoot the rare Pinjalo snapper, Dogtooth Tuna, and he always […]
Day Trip with Phil in East Bali
This is Phil Second time to dive with us. Very positive spearo from New york who grow he own food and love to catch his meat from Nature. It was perfect weather, blue water and good variety of fish to choose from. We manage to hunt Wahoo, Dogtooth tuna, Spanish Mackerel and Bigeye Trevally. Wahoo […]
East Bali Spearfishing trip with Pierro
Peirro have dive few place around the world, he have shot many big Pelagic and had good experience hunting tropic and back home in his country Italy. Pierro Spearfishing trip in East Bali from Indospearfishing on Vimeo.
Bali Spearfishing Adventures: Epic Spearfishing trip with amazing Spearo from around the world. spanish macakerel midnight snapper dogtooth tuna, pinjalo snapper Dogtooth tuna, golden trevally, one spot seaperch The Compilation video of Bali Spearfishing, underwater world adventure, Freediving, cooking, Sashimi, eating Seafood and spearing: Spanish Mackerel, Dogtooth Tuna, Black Marlin, Turtle, Wahoo, Mahi Mahi, Maori […]
Rising sun Spearos
Its always a nice suprise and previlges to be able to hunt together with Spearo from different part of the world. We are able to share experiences, tips and helpful advice that can save each other life. Today trip we are diving with Ryota and Yasuharu from Japan. The day was clear, no wind and […]